tl;dr: - when linking your accounts, the service is only granted "read" permission to your account on that platform - the service is not able to modify any part of your external accounts - when unlinking your accounts, your data is deleted in it's entirety, including automatically revoking API access tokens - we don't sell your data - we don't track you collects the following information when logging in through an OAuth provider (Discord, Twitch, Patreon, Google): - Platform user ID - Platform username/display name/title - Platform avatar URL (hosted by that platform) - OAuth access, refresh tokens uses a single cookie, your session ID. This cookie is only used to keep track of who you are when signing in to the service. This cookie is strictly necessary and can not be disabled. This site has no 3rd party tracking services for analytics, tracking, or any other purpose. ** Upon linking at least two accounts, anonymous access is permitted for external services to see your linked accounts. For example, if you linked your Minecraft and Discord accounts to the service, a Minecraft server would be able to check if you have a Discord account linked as well as what your Discord account is. ** the above paragraph is subject to change: in the near future, external services will only be able to see that you have linked accounts and will then need to ask for your permission to that information Private details such as e-mails, credit card details, etc. are never transmitted to by any authentication platform, and, by extension, not stored in any way. When logging in through an authentication platform such as Twitch, the service stores your authentication token to use with that service. This token is *not* able to modify your account. This token only has "read" permissions to your account (for the data points mentioned above) and on supported platforms "read" permission for a follower or subscriber list. The service only uses this token initially when connecting the account and if/when you decide to make authenticated calls to the service to check if a Minecraft player is following or subscribed to you. The service keeps previously mentioned tokens active indefinitely upon connecting your platform account. Should you want to revoke's access to this data, you can click the disconnect "X" button next to the platform when logged in to This disconnection process will remove all of that account's information from the database and issue a token revocation request to the respective platform. At that point, the service will retain no information about your account on that platform, unless you choose to re-link at a later time. If you unlink all of your accounts from the platform, your account is deleted. This service is not endorsed by Minecraft, Mojang, Microsoft, Twitch, Discord, Patreon, or Google.